Study title and authors:
Nutrition and Alzheimer's disease: The detrimental role of a high carbohydrate diet
Stephanie Seneff , Glyn Wainwright , Luca Mascitelli ,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT Cambridge, MA, USA
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In this paper, the authors highlight how an excess of dietary carbohydrates
The lead author of the study, Dr Stephanie Seneff, explains
(a) The first step in Alheimer's is represented by advanced glycation end-products in crucial plasma proteins concerned with fat, cholesterol, and oxygen transport.
(b) This leads to cholesterol deficiency in neurons, which significantly impairs their ability to function.
(c) Over time this may lead to increased oxidative damage, mitochondrial and lysosomal dysfunction, increased risk to microbial infection, and, ultimately, cell death.
Dr Seneff concluded: "Other neurodegenerative diseases share many properties with Alzheimer's disease, and may also be due in large part to this same underlying cause".