Zinc deficiency and immune function.
Keen CL, Gershwin ME.
Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis 95616.
This paper can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2200472?dopt=Abstract
Keen found that zinc
Red meat, oysters and fish are rich dietary sources of zinc.
AMAZON UK Absolute Truth Exposed, Vol. 1: Applying Science to Expose the Myths and Brainwashing in the Big Bang Theory, Autoimmune Diseases, IBD, Ketosis, ... Red Meat, Healing, Health, and Whole Grains.
AMAZON USA Absolute Truth Exposed - Volume 1: Applying Science to Expose the Myths and Brainwashing in the Big Bang Theory, Autoimmune Diseases, IBD, Ketosis, ... Red Meat, Healing, Health, Whole Grains, and