Study title and authors:
Alcohol intake and risk of incident gout in men: a prospective study.
Choi HK, Atkinson K, Karlson EW, Willett W, Curhan G.
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114, USA.
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The study investigated the relationship between alcohol consumption and risk of gout in 47,150 male participants with no history of gout over a 12 year period.
(a) Compared with men who did not drink alcohol, risk of gout was 32% higher for those with alcohol consumption of 10.0-14.9 g/day.
(b) Compared with men who did not drink alcohol, risk of gout was 49% higher for those with alcohol consumption of 15.0-29.9 g/day.
(c) Compared with men who did not drink alcohol, risk of gout was 96% higher for those with alcohol consumption of 30.0-49.9 g/day.
(d) Compared with men who did not drink alcohol, risk of gout was 153% higher for those with alcohol consumption of more than or 50 g/day.
(e) Beer consumption showed the strongest independent association with the risk of gout with an increased 49% risk per 12-oz serving per day.
(f) Consumption of spirits was also significantly associated with gout with an increased 15% risk per drink or shot per day.
(g) Consumption of wine had only a slight, if any, risk of causing gout.
Choi concluded: "Alcohol intake is strongly associated with an increased risk of gout
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Recipe of the day
Food Mall: Eggs
pinch of salt
4 eggs
Put the water and salt in an egg poacher and bring to the boil.
Break the eggs into the poacher and simmer for three minutes until the eggs are set.
Remove the eggs when cooked.