Study title and authors:
Further evidence for low serum cholesterol and suicidal behaviour Books:
a Institute of Psychiatry/Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
b Department of Psychiatry (116A), Department of Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Health Care Systems, 385 Tremont & Center Street, East Orange, NJ 07019, USAThis study can be accessed at:
The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between cholesterol levels and suicidal behavior.
Sarchiapone found patients who had overdosed had significantly lower cholesterol levels than controls.
Roasted Duck with Blueberry Sauce
serves 4
• 2 whole ducks, cut into quarters Food Mall: Whole Duck
• fresh or dried garlic
• ground ginger
• 1 Granny Smith apple
• 1/2 onion, peeled
• 2 c blueberries
• 1/2 c raw honey
• 1/2 t ground star anise or 2 whole star anise
• grated zest of 1 lime
• grated zest of 1 orange
• 1/2 c wine (white or red)
Quarter the ducks, and rub with a mixture of the shallot/pepper mixture, garlic, and ginger in a 1:1:1 ratio.
Place the duck, skin side up, on a rack in a roasting pan (you may need two pans for the eight quarters). Cover them with plastic wrap, sealed tightly, and place into the refrigerator until three hours before serving.
Peel, quarter, and core the apple. Put the onion and the apple in a food processor and finely chop. Put them into a saucepan with the blueberries, honey, star anise, zests, and wine.
Over high heat, bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer until pulpy and beginning to thicken, about 30 minutes. After 20 minutes, the mixture will appear liquid, but after 30 minutes, it will begin to thicken.
When cool, it will be more of a sauce. Discard any whole star anise, pour the sauce into a sterilized jar, and cover tightly. If you are serving the duck within 24 hours, leave the sauce at room temperature; otherwise refrigerate.
Preheat the oven to 375 F. Approximately 2.5 hours before serving, put the duck into the preheated oven. Empty fat from the pans if needed to avoid spillage.
A half hour before serving, raise the temperature to 450 F. The duck should be crispy and tender when done.
Serve each quarter with about 1/4 c of sauce poured over. Serve extra sauce on the side.
You can remove the rib bones from the duck before serving.