Study title and authors:
Statin therapy, muscle function and falls risk in community-dwelling older adults
Scott D, Blizzard L, Fell J, Jones G.
Menzies Research Institute, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001, Australia.
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The aim of this study of 774 older adults was to describe the differences between statin users and non-users
The study found:
(a) Statin users had more falls than non-statin users.
(b) Statin users had decreased leg strength compared to non-statin users.
(c) Statin users had lower muscle quality compared to non-statin users.
(d) Statin users had decreased leg strength and lower muscle quality compared to those who had ceased statin use.
To conclude, statin use leads to more falls and a decline in muscle strength. These effects may be reversible with cessation of the drug.
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