The raison d'etre of this website is to provide you with hard scientific information which may help you make informed decisions in your quest for health (so far I have blogged concise summaries of over 1,500 scientific studies and have had three books published).

My research is mainly focused on the effects of cholesterol, saturated fat and statin drugs on health. If you know anyone who is worried about their cholesterol levels and heart disease, or has been told to take statin drugs you could send them a link to this website, and to my statin or cholesterol or heart disease books.

David Evans

Independent Health Researcher

Friday 20 May 2011

Cholesterol levels are not related to dietary intake

The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It
This post includes a summary of a study published in Pediatrics 1978 Mar;61(3):354-9 and a recipe for roasted throw together.

Study title and authors:
Nutrient intake and serum cholesterol level in normal children 6 to 16 years of age
Weidman WH, Elveback LR, Nelson RA, Hodgson PA, Ellefson RD.

This study can be accessed at:
A study of 103 healthy, schoolchildren who were between 6 and 16 years of age revealed no correlation between cholesterol levels and the daily amount of total calories, cholesterol, fat, saturated fat, or sugar in the diet.

More information on this subject: Books : Scientific Studies : Other Websites : Videos : Food Mall

Recipe of the day

Roasted Throw Together

◦1 lb. Italian sausage,
Esposito's Finest Quality Sausage - ITALIAN SAUSAGE with BROCCOLI RABE AND MOZZARELLA 4 24oz Packages (Net Wt. 6lbs.)
Food Mall: Italian Sausage
◦2 onions, sliced
◦1 8oz. package mushrooms, halved
◦1 apple, chopped large

Get your oven to 450ºF. We’re going to build “layers” so that the fat from the sausage will seep down onto the other ingredients and there’s no need to add any additional fat. In a roasting pan, in this order, add: onions, mushrooms, apples and then the crumbled sausage. Place in the oven and roast until everything is softened, browned and cooked through–about 30 minutes. Make sure to mix things around about half way through.

Roasted Throw Together