The raison d'etre of this website is to provide you with hard scientific information which may help you make informed decisions in your quest for health (so far I have blogged concise summaries of over 1,500 scientific studies and have had three books published).

My research is mainly focused on the effects of cholesterol, saturated fat and statin drugs on health. If you know anyone who is worried about their cholesterol levels and heart disease, or has been told to take statin drugs you could send them a link to this website, and to my statin or cholesterol or heart disease books.

David Evans

Independent Health Researcher

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Dietary fat is not responsible for heart disease

This post includes a summary of a paper published in the Journal of Atherosclerosis Research Volume 4, Issue 4, 8 July 1964, Pages 289-312

Study title and authors:
Cardiovascular disease in the Masai
G.V. Mann a, R.D. Shaffera, R.S. Anderson a, H.H. Sandstead a, H. Prendergast b, J.C. Mann b, S. Rose b, J. Powell-Jackson b, S. Moitanik b, J. Ol Monah b, S.M. Isaac b, Onesimo H. Msangi b, E. Frank b, J. Martin c, J. Lane c, I. Rasmussen c and K. Dicks c
The Nutrition Division, Vanderbilt University Medical School, Nashville, Tenn. (U.S.A.)

This paper can be accessed at:

This study involved 400 Masai men and additional women and children, and investigated the relationship between diet and heart disease.

The study found;
(a) The men had a diet of exclusively meat and milk.
(b) They had NO heart disease.

Dr. Mann concluded that dietary fat is not responsible for heart disease.