The raison d'etre of this website is to provide you with hard scientific information which may help you make informed decisions in your quest for health (so far I have blogged concise summaries of over 1,500 scientific studies and have had three books published).

My research is mainly focused on the effects of cholesterol, saturated fat and statin drugs on health. If you know anyone who is worried about their cholesterol levels and heart disease, or has been told to take statin drugs you could send them a link to this website, and to my statin or cholesterol or heart disease books.

David Evans

Independent Health Researcher

Friday 16 March 2012

High diet soda consumption is associated with significantly greater risks of developing metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes

This study was published in Diabetes Care 2009 Apr;32(4):688-94

Study title and authors:
Diet soda intake and risk of incident metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
Nettleton JA, Lutsey PL, Wang Y, Lima JA, Michos ED, Jacobs DR Jr.
Division of Epidemiology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, Texas, USA.

This study can be accessed at:

The study set out to determine the association between diet soda consumption and risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. The study lasted for seven years and included 6,814 people aged between 45-84 years old.

The study found:
(a) Those who consumed diet soda at least daily had a 36% increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome compared to those who rarely or never consumed diet soda.
(b) Those who consumed diet soda at least daily had a 67% increased risk of developing type II diabetes compared to those who rarely or never consumed diet soda.

The results of the study suggest that consumption of diet soda at least daily is associated with significantly greater risks of metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes.