This study was published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2005 Apr;14(4):805-8
Study title and authors:
Flavonoids and breast cancer risk in Italy.
Bosetti C, Spertini L, Parpinel M, Gnagnarella P, Lagiou P, Negri E, Franceschi S, Montella M, Peterson J, Dwyer J, Giacosa A, La Vecchia C.
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Via Eritrea 62-20157 Milan, Italy.
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This study investigated the relationship between flavonoids and breast cancer risk. The study included 2,569 women with breast cancer, and 2,588 controls.
Regarding isoflavone consumption, (from soy products), the study found that the women who ate the most isoflavones had a 5% increased risk of breast cancer compared to the women who ate the least isoflavones.