This study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology 1992 Dec 1;136(11):1327-37
Study title and authors:
Diet in the epidemiology of postmenopausal breast cancer in the New York State Cohort.
Graham S, Zielezny M, Marshall J, Priore R, Freudenheim J, Brasure J, Haughey B, Nasca P, Zdeb M.
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, State University of New York 14214.
This study can be accessed at:
The study investigated the association of dietary fat consumption with the risk of breast cancer. The dietary histories of 18,586 postmenopausal women were analysed over a seven year period.
Regarding saturated fat consumption, the study found that for every 10 gram per day increase in saturated fat there was a 10% reduction in the risk of breast cancer.