The raison d'etre of this website is to provide you with hard scientific information which may help you make informed decisions in your quest for health (so far I have blogged concise summaries of over 1,500 scientific studies and have had three books published).

My research is mainly focused on the effects of cholesterol, saturated fat and statin drugs on health. If you know anyone who is worried about their cholesterol levels and heart disease, or has been told to take statin drugs you could send them a link to this website, and to my statin or cholesterol or heart disease books.

David Evans

Independent Health Researcher

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Rhabdomyolysis induced by a single dose of a statin.

This post includes a summary of a study published in Heart 2004 Jan;90(1):e3
$29 Billion Reasons to Lie About Cholesterol

Study title and authors:
Rhabdomyolysis induced by a single dose of a statin.
Jamil S, Iqbal P.
Medical Directorate, Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital NHS Calow, Chesterfield, UK.

This paper can be accessed at:

Statins have been shown to cause toxic effects on muscles and rhabdomyolysis. In most cases rhabdomyolysis occurs following the use of these drugs for at least one week.

This paper reports a case of rhabdomyolysis after just a single dose of simvastatin.

(i) A 54 year old man was admitted to hospital with a one week history of shortness of breath and was found to have high blood pressure. 
(ii) He was treated with various drugs including simvastatin (40 mg/day).
(iii) After one dose of simvastatin he was found to have a raised creatinine kinase concentration of 11,290 μ/l (normal 10-120 μ/l) with a raised urine myoglobin concentration of 46,560 μg/ml (normal 0–50 μg/ml). (Raised levels of creatinine kinase and urine myoglobin are associated with rhabdomyolysis).
(iv) All his parameters improved when simvastatin treatment was stopped.

This case highlights that rhabdomyolysis may be caused by a reaction to simvastatin.

The reasearchers conclude: "Clinicians should be aware of this possible complication presenting in the early days of the use of statins".

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