Study title and authors:
Statin Adverse Effects: A Review of the Literature and Evidence for a Mitochondrial Mechanism
Golomb, Beatrice A; Evans, Marcella A
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Dr Beatrice Golomb reviewed the scientific literature regarding the adverse effects caused by statin drugs.
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Dr Golomb found:
(a) Muscle adverse events were the most reported problem both in the literature and by patients.
(b) In meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, muscle adverse events are more frequent with statins than with placebo.
(c) A number of manifestations of muscle adverse eventss have been reported, with rhabdomyolysis the most feared.
(d) Adverse events are dose dependent, and risk is amplified by drug interactions that functionally increase statin potency.
(e) An array of additional risk factors for statin AEs are those that amplify (or reflect) mitochondrial or metabolic vulnerability, such as metabolic syndrome factors, thyroid disease, and genetic mutations linked to mitochondrial dysfunction.
(f) Converging evidence supports a mitochondrial foundation for muscle adverse events associated with statins, and both theoretical and empirical considerations suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction may also underlie many nonmuscle statin adverse events.
(g) Evidence from randomized controlled trials and studies of other designs indicates existence of additional statin-associated adverse events, such as cognitive loss, neuropathy, pancreatic and hepatic dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction.
(h) Physician awareness of statin advers events is reportedly low even for the adverse events most widely reported by patients.
(i) Awareness and vigilance for adverse events should be maintained to enable informed treatment decisions, treatment modification if appropriate, improved quality of patient care, and reduced patient morbidity.
The paper outlines the unhealthy adverse effects of statins and that doctors have a low awareness of the problems.
This paper can be accessed at:
Dr Golomb found:
(a) Muscle adverse events were the most reported problem both in the literature and by patients.
(b) In meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, muscle adverse events are more frequent with statins than with placebo.
(c) A number of manifestations of muscle adverse eventss have been reported, with rhabdomyolysis the most feared.
(d) Adverse events are dose dependent, and risk is amplified by drug interactions that functionally increase statin potency.
(e) An array of additional risk factors for statin AEs are those that amplify (or reflect) mitochondrial or metabolic vulnerability, such as metabolic syndrome factors, thyroid disease, and genetic mutations linked to mitochondrial dysfunction.
(f) Converging evidence supports a mitochondrial foundation for muscle adverse events associated with statins, and both theoretical and empirical considerations suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction may also underlie many nonmuscle statin adverse events.
(g) Evidence from randomized controlled trials and studies of other designs indicates existence of additional statin-associated adverse events, such as cognitive loss, neuropathy, pancreatic and hepatic dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction.
(h) Physician awareness of statin advers events is reportedly low even for the adverse events most widely reported by patients.
(i) Awareness and vigilance for adverse events should be maintained to enable informed treatment decisions, treatment modification if appropriate, improved quality of patient care, and reduced patient morbidity.
The paper outlines the unhealthy adverse effects of statins and that doctors have a low awareness of the problems.
More information on this subject: Books