Hyperuricemia and hypertriglyceridemia: Metabolic basis for the association
Irving H. Fox, a, b, David Johna, b, 1, Sandra DeBruynea, b, Issac Dwosha, b, 2 and Errol B. Marlissa, b, 3
aHuman Purine Research Center, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Michigan USA
bDepartment of Biological Chemistry, The University of Michigan USA.
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Gout is a kind of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in the joints, often in the big toe. Fox notes that high triglyceride levels have been reported frequently in patients with high uric acid levels and gout.
Fox examined whether high carbohydrate intake increases uric acid and triglyceride levels in people with gout and without gout.
The study found that:
(a) A pure carbohydrate (sucrose) diet increases both the uric acid and triglyceride levels.
(b) The mechanism of the excess uric acid in people with gout was increased uric acid production and less efficient and decreased uric acid clearance by the kidney
(c) The mechanism of the excess uric acid in people without gout is because the kidney becomes less efficient at clearing uric acid.
To summarise: The pure carbohydrate diet can increase uric acid levels which may lead to gout
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