Study title and authors:
Long-term Mortality After 5-Year Multifactorial Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Middle-aged Men
Timo E. Strandberg, MD; Veikko V. Salomaa, MD; Vesa A. Naukkarinen, MD; Hannu T. Vanhanen, MD; Seppo J. Sarna, PhD; Tatu A. Miettinen, MD
From the Second Department of Medicine (Drs Strandberg, Vanhanen, and Miettinen) and Department of Public Health (Dr Sarna), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland (Dr Salomaa); and the Jorvi Hospital, Espoo, Finland (Dr Naukkarinen).
This study can be accessed at:
This trial lasted 15 years (it included 1222 men who had heart disease risk factors) and investigared the effects of various preventitive measures on total death rate and heart disease death rate.
The men were split into 2 groups:
Group (a) (intervention group) visited the investigators every fourth month. They were treated with intensive dietetic-hygienic measures and frequently with cholesterol lowering drugs (mainly clofibrate and/or probucol) and blood pressure drugs (mainly β-blockers and/or diuretics).
Group (b) (control group) were not treated by the investigators.
(1) There was a 45% increase in deaths in the intervention group compared to the control group.
(2) There was a 142% increase in heart disease deaths in the intervention group compared to the control group.
(3) There was a 1300% increase in deaths due to violence in the intervention group compared to the control group.
So the men who followed the cholesterol lowering regime were more likely to die earlier and more than twice as likely to die of heart disease.
More information on this subject: Books
Recipe of the day
Barbecued Lance Steaks
Food Mall: Steak
2 x 300g/10½oz steaks, each cut in half

5ml/1tsp olive oil
Salt and freshly milled black pepper
Rocket leaves, to garnish
1.Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan and cook the steaks according to your preference.
2.Arrange the steaks on a small bed of rocket leaves.